summer youth programs
Grades 9-12 & Rising College Freshmen
June 26-30, 2023 | 9am-3pm
Awards Ceremony: July 13, 2023
$200 Early Bird (ends June 1); $225 Regular
Scholarships Available : : 20 Participants Max
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design
at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive, Memphis, TN
Questions: AIA Memphis 901-654-7518
University of Memphis Department of Architecture faculty and architects from AIA Memphis provide an introduction to architectural and structural concepts, model building and freehand drawing. Visit Memphis architecture firms, tour area building projects and hear from the architects who imagined them. Work to solve design puzzles, learn about sustainable construction, how buildings contribute to 40% of all carbon emissions and small incremental steps each of us can take to help resolve the climate crisis.
Participants are tracked through high school and are eligible to receive guidance with college selection, admissions & financial aid.
Tuition covers instruction, materials, field trips, and tours.
Scholarships are available.
Email describing the financial need along with 2 letters of support from an area High School faculty.
Please visit the website for more comprehensive information about the event. Free to attend.
The Scholars Institute is hosted at
CiV, the Center for Architecture + Design
Beale Street Landing, 251 Riverside Drive
Scholars enjoy sweeping views of the Mississippi River, the Memphis city skyline and both bridges to Arkansas. Your creative energy will flourish in this spectacular space. Join us!
Our first summer brought us an impressive crop of budding architects. Visit the Scholars Institute 2022 page to learn more.
Grades 7-12 (rising)
July 10-14, 2023 | 9am-4pm
Extended hours: 8am-5:30pm
For more information, contact
Downtown Memphis Commission 901-575-0561
The Hip Hop Architecture Camp® is a revolutionary program founded in 2016 by Michael Ford, the esteemed licensed architect and cultural trailblazer known as The Hip Hop Architect. This week-long intensive experience is specifically designed to empower underrepresented youth to explore and excel in the fields of architecture, urban planning, and creative placemaking through the lens of hip hop culture. The program brings together students with industry professionals, including architects, urban planners, designers, community activists, and hip hop artists. Together, they work to envision and create innovative designs for their own communities, using a range of mediums including physical models, digital models, and even their own original Hip Hop Architecture track and music video.
Join us at The Hip Hop Architecture Camp® and discover the power of design to shape and uplift your community.
Download the flyer and share it with friends!
Our first summer of HipHop was truly a spectacular experience that culminated in several who joined the Summer Scholars.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103