2020 Platform
When business thrives, America thrives. Architecture firms lead a $1T building construction industry that catalyzes private investment. Most of these firms meet the federal government’s definition of small business. The administration’s tax policies should support small business, innovation, and talent recruitment. AIA commits to voice strong support for a future economy that advances the success of architecture firms and the profession.
Human activity is warming our climate to dangerous levels and carbon from buildings is a primary culprit. Buildings must consume less energy, use only renewable sources, and contribute power back to the energy grid. AIA is taking action to eliminate all building carbon emissions by 2040.
In towns and cities across the country, deep inequities exist that prevent access to safe and healthy buildings for many Americans. We as a nation must act to provide shelter—a basic human need. AIA commits to a future built environment that improves individual health and prepares communities to weather a variety of storms.
American architecture stands as a testament to our unique place in the world. Our architects work at the leading edge of a $1T construction industry that promotes commerce and drives consumer confidence. Architects have always dared to reach higher and set new standards. Our next architectural achievements will be measured by how well they respond to a post-pandemic world, eradicate inequity, fuel economic recovery, eliminate carbon emissions, and nurture individual and community health.
Now is the time for urgent and decisive action on these issues. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) represents more than 95,000 architecture professionals. We step forward to address the needs of our economy, climate, and communities. We seek support for the crushing student debt of our members; support for disadvantaged businesses; and real progress to end the systemic racism that has existed for centuries and continues to grip our nation. We seek meaningful policies and commit to better buildings that will sustain a healthy country.
The Policy Platform 2020 document is a concise overview of the policies along with more thorough discussion of each.
This document provides background on the policy ideas within the AIA Policy Platform 2020. Some of the ideas are new, generated by AIA members and staff. However, many of the ideas are grounded in legislative proposals that have previously been offered or amended. We did this intentionally to ensure that our proposals are rooted in political reality. AIA is committed to working bipartisanly. Many of the policies noted in this piece are based on bipartisan legislation. Others are based on historically Republican ideas, while others are based on historically Democratic ideas.
This guide provides a color-coded snapshot of the policy origins of our recommendations and their partisan affiliation. Red denotes a Republican-only bill, blue is Democratic-only, and green is bipartisan.
The Frequently Asked Questions document will address many of the questions you may have about how the document was built, how to use it and more.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103