About AIA
of the American Institute of Architects:
Our mission is to promote architecture and the profession; advocate for livable and sustainable communities; and serve as a resource for our members. The 2019-2021 Strategic Plan is intended to advance the exploration and expansion of AIA Memphis programming in five distinct areas that collectively work to further our mission. The 2019 Annual Report reflects the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan at work in the programming and activities of the AIA Memphis Chapter.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) works to advance our nation’s quality of life and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, as it has done for 160 years. Each day AIA members across the country and throughout the world create the places where people live and learn, work, and play. We design hospitals that heal us and houses of worship that sustain us. We create next generation energy-saving buildings to make our communities healthier and safer. All the while, architects work with clients and allied design professionals and construction partners to improve the built environment in a $1 trillion sector that accounts for almost 6 percent of the economy.
The following is a selection of numerous position statements released by the Institute.
AIA, as part of the global community, champions a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion within the profession. Achieving this vision has a direct impact on the relevance of our profession and the world's prosperity, health, & future.
Much of the public debate about school safety has focused on access to firearms & mental health services. Neither approach has progressed much over many years despite all-too-frequent tragedies. Architects can improve school safety through the power of design now.
In the US alone, nearly 40% of greenhouse gases can be attributed to carbon produced by buildings. As a profession, we have the responsibility to prioritize and support effective actions to exponentially decelerate the production of greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.
AIA has a long history promoting sustainability in architecture. From the publication of Environmental Design: Research & Practice in 1971 to the creation of the Committee on the Environment, COTE, in 1990 and connections to the Historic Resources Committee established in 1857, the Institute is a leader in sustainable design.
Established in 1953, AIA Memphis has served West Tennessee as the local chapter of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) for over 65 years. Members of AIA from across the globe have worked with each other and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. Our local voices join more than 95,000 architects and allied professionals who work together to create a better future by design.
Guided by generations of sound leadership, AIA Memphis annually evaluates our progress and builds a plan for future Programs of Work.
Published in the first calendar quarter each year, the Annual Report documents for members and supporters progress made in the previous year.
In 2018 the AIA Memphis Board of Directors along with Risk Strategies developed a short-range plan to address the coming years.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103