the Third Thursday
March 21, 2024
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design
251 Riverside Drive, Memphis, TN 38013
11:30am Doors Open
12:00pm Program Begins
1:00pm Go. Do.
AIA Continuing Education: 1 LU (pending)
$30: AIA Memphis Member & Corporate Partners
$40: Public
Registration is non-refundable.
Sponsorships available:
$250 Tabletop Display
(Scroll down for booking form)
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AI/AIA : : Survive or Thrive
Originally presented at the AIA Global Leadership Summit on March 1, 2024, in Washington DC, this session on Artificial Intelligence (AI) had standing room only and has since received 3 invitations to present at other components and conferences.
Analogous to the disruption by AI on the architectural profession, Lombardo shares her experience in the web development industry as it saw rapid evolution from hand-coding to consumer-driven solutions, redirecting her career into the architectural industry. See interviews with members of the AIA Global Strategic Council: Kathy Hancox, AIA, HK Associates; Jeffrey Huber, FAIA, Brooks Scarpa; and Ayodele Yusuf, AIA, Perkins Eastman. Learn about key design use cases presented by Dan Stine, AIA, Lake|Flato.
Amber Lombardo is the Executive Director of AIA Memphis and founder of CiV, the Center for Architecture + Design in West Tennessee. She serves on the 2024 AIA Global Board of Directors and Government Advocacy Committee (as liaison to the Strategic Council's Artificial Intelligence working group). Previous AIA Global service includes 2023 President of the Council of Architectural Component Executives (CACE), 2023 Strategic Council, 2022 Secretary's Advisory Council, and 2019 Advocacy Capacity Building Group.
Lombardo has a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture, Civil Engineering and Marketing from Mississippi State University. Upon graduation, she worked as a web developer for a variety of organizations (most notably the National Science Foundation Engineer Research Center) in the then-emerging tech industry. In 1999 she began her own web shop and sold it 17 years later after it evolved into an advertising agency, community magazine, art gallery and digital print shop, garnering over 70 industry awards ranging up to international recognition.
In 2016 she returned to architecture through grassroots advocacy efforts for the Mississippi Historic Tax Credit and later, in coordination with the National Trust, the Federal Historic Tax Credit. She has presented at several AIA Global conferences, at the National Main Street Conference, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Action's National Preservation Week and more. Her creative works (photography, writing, etc) have appeared in numerous notable publications including National Geographic Traveler, Preservation Magazine, Where to Retire, Southern Bride Magazine, and others. She has launched three magazines, Elevation the Journal of the Mississippi Heritage Trust, TourCollierville Magazine, and Folio the Annual of AIA Memphis. Recent awards include the 2021 AIA Memphis President's Award, the 2022 Memphis Business Journal's Women Who Lead in Architecture, and 2023 AIA Global Louise Blanchard Bethune Fellow.
She is a native of Enterprise, Mississippi and currently resides in Collierville, Tennessee.
2,000 parking spots are within 2 blocks of CiV. We suggest the following (in order of distance):
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103