the Third Thursday
April 18, 2024
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design
251 Riverside Drive, Memphis, TN 38013
11:30am Doors Open
12:00pm Program Begins
1:00pm Go. Do.
AIA Continuing Education: 1 LU (pending)
$30: AIA Memphis Member & Corporate Partners
$40: Public
Registration is non-refundable.
Sponsorships available:
$500 Keynote
$250 Tabletop Display
(Scroll down for booking form)
Exploiting Capitalism,
Not People
A New Paradigm for Architectural Excellence
examines the critical link between economic sustainability and architectural theory. He will introduce the concept of economic sustainability within the architectural framework, emphasizing its role as a positive feedback loop. The session will outline cnct. design's comprehensive approach to integrating economic principles into architectural practices, highlighting the incremental nature of this journey. Through real-world examples and cnct. design's experiences, Halford will discuss the application of these principles in various project types and their impact on both the design process and the end-user. The seminar aims to provide a pragmatic perspective on how architects can navigate and leverage economic factors to foster sustainable, beneficial outcomes in their work and the broader community.
Learning Objectives:
A native of Memphis and graduate of University of Tennessee, Knoxville, John is president & lead project manager at cnct. design. In 2015 John founded cnct. development, LLC in order to research, design, and invest in residential and mixed-use urban projects in the Memphis area. John is the lead Project Manager and Architect in district revitalization efforts including The Edge District. cnct. development, LLC is a general partner and maintains a majority equity position in 9 properties located in the Edge District of Downtown Memphis. As both a developer and architect, John seeks to deliver fiscally responsible projects that are beneficial to the developer, the community, and end-user. His work is founded in the belief that there is no inherent contradiction in an economically feasible project and one that is well designed.
2,000 parking spots are within 2 blocks of CiV. We suggest the following (in order of distance):
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103