3423 Industrial Dr. W, Hernando, MS 38632 United States
Building Area (sf): 25,000
Completion: September 2022
The DCJC sits prominently at the terminus of the approach drive and parking lot. Included within the building are two identical courtrooms which seat approximately 200 occupants each. In order to utilize the site, without compromising security or privacy, the roof is lifted above each courtroom to provide northern daylight into the space. The glassy entry and waiting lobbies are also positioned to utilize northern daylight. While the building does not shy from projecting a space of authority, the interior seeks to promote natural tone materials that give timeless design to the community. Court Clerk offices, judges’ offices, and a visitation center complete the program.
1 - A large setback can be seen as one of the prominent design features that gives an outdoor-use entry experience. Photo by Chad Mellon
2 - The justice court sits prominently at the terminus of the approach drive and parking lot. Diagram by UrbanARCH.
3 - This dynamic entry sequence allows for outdoor waiting and queuing, as needed, in the event of a busy day that shades the inhabitant from direct natural light. Photos by Chad Mellon.
4 - This unique commercial design feature keeps users in the shade and out of the weather. Photos by Chad Mellon.
5 - The public areas and details of the space are unified in materiality and color. Photos by Chad Mellon.
6 - The lobby along the north facade is extensively clad with a glass curtainwall providing ample natural light and transparency between interior & exterior spaces. Photos by Chad Mellon.
7 - The clerk's office and court records are co-located under one roof and accessible from the public lobby. Photos by Chad Mellon.
8 - The roof of each courtroom is lifted to elevate the volume of the space and provide natural light from the clerestory glass. Photos by Chad Mellon.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103