, Memphis, TN United States
Building Area (sf): 4,444 SF
Completion: 2016
Originally constructed as a bank in 1925, the 109 Madison Avenue building served a variety of office needs for downtown Memphis for nearly a century. In the early 2000’s the last office space, a law firm, was vacated and the building sat empty and deteriorating for 10 years. After an ownership change, an industrious middle-aged couple came to us with ideas of converting this historic building into an apartment development. After several plan iterations, it became apparent that the floorplate was not sized appropriately to meet local lease rate standards, and the project shifted into a private residence scheme with a small portion of the first floor reserved as retail space. As the project progressed, the focus of the private residence portion morphed into an AirBnB.
Tall ceilings, exposed brick walls, natural light, and multiple levels and mezzanines all contributed to create exciting spatial qualities throughout the living spaces. The upper floor which was originally designed as a ballroom and then later used as a ballet studio with its hardwood floors, has enormous light monitors that were reconditioned to create an open space for entertaining as well as play or relaxation. Bedrooms bookend this open space for an exciting living experience. This investment spurred future development of the exterior of the building and first floor retail space.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103