611 Winchester Road, Memphis, TN 38116 United States
Building Area (sf): 12,690 sf
Completion: Apr. 2022
Tim Michael, AIA
Scott Guidry, RA
Emily Redding, RA
After leasing a large manufacturing warehouse with a small, abandoned office component, Pandrol operated from temporary office trailers parked inside the warehouse for several years. As company growth permitted, Pandrol moved to renovate the uninhabited office space.
The project involved near complete demolition of all interior walls, finishes, and spaces as well as exterior perimeter walls leaving a steel frame and roof. Serving the needs of both factory and office personnel, a plan diagram was developed positioning the service core between these two entities allowing direct access from each side. Upon entering the office sector from the exterior, an overhead ceiling plane aligns with reception and defines a linear organization to the space. Circulation runs alongside the core, where indirect lighting grazes the gallery wall and offers a soft backdrop. Low walls, whose dark color contrasts with the lighter gallery wall, separate circulation from the offices. The open office receives full floor-to-ceiling glazing on its northern face while being bookended with walled corner offices. Linear suspended lighting floats within a dark, exposed roof structure. Color is used sparingly to reinforce diagrammatic elements and provide small accents to an otherwise tonally neutral palette. Given the nature of factory operations, the owner required a floor surface of sufficient hardness to avoid metal factory shavings from becoming embedded within its surface. Thus, lvt is used throughout. A large break room serves not only as shared dining between factory and office staff, but as informal meeting/social space promoting inclusiveness and team building.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103