7845 US-64, Memphis, TN 38133 United States
Building Area (sf): 3,527
Completion: May 2018
Orion Federal Credit Union is a financial institution known for its community-focused practices. The branch is located on the ground floor of a traditional suburban office and shared an entry with the main building. To give the branch its own identity, the entry was relocated and marked with a new canopy that acts as an extension of the interior. The existing narrow ribbon windows and brick façade were replaced with floor to ceiling glass, creating an open and welcoming space.
As members enter the branch, they are greeted by bankers stationed at three customized teller pods. To reduce the existing footprint, the traditional teller row was replaced by these pods. Each pod accommodates two bankers, allowing for more transactions to be completed in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, by removing the barrier between the banker and member, the pods create the opportunity for a more approachable and personal interaction than a traditional teller row. The new streamlined space creates a precedent for future Orion branches and reinforces their brand of progressive and relationship-focused services.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103