7265 Raleigh-Millington Rd., Millington, TN 38053 United States
Building Area (sf): 10,027 sf
Completion: Jan. 2021
Tim Michael, AIA
Scott Guidry, RA
Kelly May, RA
With a small budget and large aspirations, the MFD intended to build the first new station in over 40 years. After decades of occupying a tiny single-bay station on a small site, the department capitalized on the opportunity to create a facility that was representative of the highly skilled men and women serving as firefighters. The chief sought to honor the work of his crews by creating a station that boosted morale while making life easier on the firefighters through improved efficiency and maneuverability. With these goals in hand, a simple diagram was developed of two adjacent volumes with direct connection between the them. A smaller volume housed residential program while a large volume contained equipment. Clear and direct circulation tied the two together, allowing firefighters the quickest route to their equipment. Positioning the building at the center of the site allowed for two distinct drive lanes: one for typical vehicles and a second for the larger, heavier fire trucks. Generous space at the rear of the site allows trucks to turn 180 degrees into the building and pass-through for quick exiting.
Uninterested in any historical notion of a firehouse, the department encouraged design freedom while adhering to the budget. Subsequently, a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) was employed to great effect. Its long spans and simple volumes proved extremely cost-effective. Subtle shifts in common materials, solid-to-void massing, and simple, clean detailing elevate the PEMB system to one of great impact resulting in a building of great pride within the community.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103