575 Lambuth Ave, Jackson, TN 38301 United States
Building Area (sf): 57,542 SF
Completion: December 2021
Victor Buchholz, Rogean Cadieux-Smith, Cindy Sessoms, Lauren Ratley, Meredy Dahlgren, Jaemi Kurtzman, Harold Urban
Madison High School classrooms, labs and Col-laboratories sits within the framework of the existing Lambuth Georgian Campus grid of quads and open greens. Wide expanse of glass and views stimulate the senses and connect scholars to University of Lambuth and beyond. Madison High School project contributes to creating a diverse, accessible, human-scaled community. The flexible facility and multi-use spaces are poised to host community events and workshops and provide a vital conduit from the surrounding neighborhood. One of the final projects to be awarded new market tax credits in the wake of the pandemic, Madison High School has been successful in galvanizing a broad public/private partnership and support of numerous community stakeholders to bring this project to fruition. Madison High School dual enrollment serves as tangible connection to the University of Memphis with shared amenities like collegiate libraries, theatre and athletic fields nestled within the Lambuth Arboretum linked with rich constellation of walking paths. The three-story masonry structure offers a fresh interpretation of collegiate architecture with a material palette harmonized with the historic campus
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103