4190 Elliston Rd, Memphis, TN 38111 United States
Building Area (sf): 27,600
Completion: 7/30/21
Jimmie E. Tucker, FAIA
Mario Walker, AIA
Colby Mitchell, AIA
The new Leadership Preparatory Middle School significantly expands the School Campus with an innovative and highly efficient 28,000 SF pre-engineered metal building. A new Cafeteria and Gymnasium will accommodate the entire K-8 school of 180 students.
The new Middle School classroom block is two stories linearly arranged to respond to the site conditions and proximity to the support spaces, Administration, Gymnasium and Cafeteria
STA is also working with Leadership Prep Students to engage them in the design process and teach the next generation about architecture and design.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103