332 Lane Avenue, Jackson, TN 38301 United States
Building Area (sf): 24,000 SF
Completion: September 2021
Victor Buchholz, Rogean Cadieux Smith, Dara Payton, Tucker Towe, Andrew Lang, Meredy Dahlgren, Fabiana Ford
Years of planning coupled with an innovative use of public/private partners have enabled the dream of restoring this historic institution to come true. JCM Fieldhouse is the culmination of this vision in a singular state of the art gymnasium and all-school gathering space. The exposed steel structure of pre-engineered metal building and seamless integration of the building’s systems work together to deliver a sleek energy-efficient facility with natural and durable materials which will stand the test of time.
The new fieldhouse opens its doors to the community foster engagement. gathering and events. Sports and wellness classes which draw other nearby schools and colleges as well as nearby residents ensures maximal year-round utilization. Synergies inherent in educational setting are furthered by providing high caliber flexibility amenities. What began as engagement activities organizing and a groundswell of support and civic pride in the Rebirth of JCM. The iconic Fieldhouse is proof-positive of this transformation!
The new JCM Fieldhouse fosters health and wellbeing for students, staff, and the wider community through a wide variety of programs. The gymnasium is bathed in natural light. The shell is peeled back at the gathering lobby to reveal a feature wall showcasing the alumni athletic achievement while the full height storefront invites the outdoors in. The lockers facilities which flank the gym open directly to play fields with ready access to walking paths linking tree canopies with courtyards and inviting students outdoors. The outdoor courtyard reveals a playful mural of paw tracks scaling the façade.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103