1750 Union Ave, Memphis, TN 38104 United States
Building Area (sf): 70,000
Completion: July 2019
Jason Jackson - Lead Design Architect
Susan Golden - Project Manager
In 1928, this collegiate gothic church was built in Midtown Memphis, Tennessee. Throughout the century, the establishment has seen various changes, including a 70,000 sqft. mid-century modern addition education building in 1960. While there have been several renovations over time, this project resulted from a capital campaign for the major modernization of that addition. Limited accessibility, life safety concerns, and energy improvements had to be addressed, classrooms were outdated and clearly defined drop-off, and entry points were needed.
A major element of this renovation was the expansion and relocation of the existing preschool. The project added a 20,000 square foot space to the ground floor of the 3-story structure, for the preschool’s relocation and additional class space. Furthermore, an architect’s decision to bury half of the ground floor of the 1960’s addition with an earthen berm created accessibility issues. This integrated the primary entrance with the second level, forcing visitors to ascend and descend multiple flights of stairs to enter and access different floors. Renovations would trigger other required upgrades, including an emergency voice/fire alarm system and new HVAC systems, providing equipment that was more energy-efficient and improved safety precautions for the user.
A decision was made to remove the berm along the west façade, and to replace the submerged concrete exterior with a more inviting glass curtainwall. Rising three stories from the new entry is a new structurally glazed curtainwall with frosted glass which surrounds an existing stair tower. With this new, at-grade entrance to the education building, a remote alley ramp, added in the 1980s, was made obsolete. A new elevator provides access to all three levels of the education building and bridges that connect to the 1928 building at the second and third floors now provide handicapped access to all floors of both buildings.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103