1354 Tower Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 United States
Building Area (sf): 760 sf building area; total hardscape 8,000 sf
Completion: August 2019
Tony Pellicciotti (Principal in Charge), Jonathan Smith (Project Manager), Caleb Sears, Meredy Dahlgren, Megan Hoover, Dara Payton, Karrar Al Jassani
Crosstown Concourse is a vertical village containing a multitude of uses: offices, apartments, schools, and restaurants. As part of this vertical village, the Crosstown Pool was envisioned as a critical part of the amenities for Crosstown, shared by non-profit Church Health Center, the YMCA, Crosstown High School, and the Concourse residents.
The 8,000-square-foot site between the existing Crosstown building and a new gym was just large enough to fit a 5-lane lap pool with little area left over for a pool deck and service spaces. A grade change throughout the site required extensive ramps and stairs. A pool deck, pavilion, and play area were constructed within the scarce remaining site area.
The pavilion was designed as a jewel box – simple in program, but rigorous in design and construction. The canopy provides shade during the day and is lit from within at night, with a warm glow of locally sourced cypress reflected on the pool surface. The pool and play area are accentuated by cool aquatic tones.
The site enclosure creates a secure and open space through a rich, yet simple material palette. Wood, board-formed concrete, and perforated aluminum delineate the site. A glass sculpture by a local artist is the focal point of the site wall. On the outside of the enclosure, a generous bench, garden, and fountains are offered as a space to relax in the shade.
The Crosstown Pool provides a welcome sanctuary for the Crosstown Concourse and the Memphis community.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103