358 N Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103 United States
Building Area (sf): 2,390
Completion: March 2019
Brian Bullard, AIA
Ryan Morris, AIA
The art of craft brewed coffee inspired this careful renovation and addition to a historic brick structure in the Pinch District in Downtown Memphis. Material choices and color palette were chosen in an effort to create a warm, welcoming environment and to inspire customers to relax and stay awhile. A simple canopy constructed of framing lumber creates a lattice-like ceiling element floating above the shou sugi ban wood-clad service counter. Soft lighting and exposed existing brick and eroding plaster work remind of the historic nature of the building and neighborhood. Additions include the reclamation of an adjacent alley space for outdoor seating and courtyard as well as the addition of kitchen and rest rooms to the main level program.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103