confidential , Horseshoe Lake, AR United States
Building Area (sf): 6,581 Heated SF
Completion: Spring 2023
J. Carson Looney, FAIA (principal in charge), Chris Astheimer, Brett Hirsch,
Alison Nichols, AIA, Cathy Rivera
The program for the home was to provide a welcoming, comfortable environment to actively and passively engage with the surrounding rural landscape and the prominent lake views and water activities.
The frequent coming-and-going of family and friends, luggage, water sports and outdoor equipment are readily accommodated through multi-functional, conveniently located support spaces utilizing durable, easily maintainable exterior and interior materials. The living and gathering areas are spaces of refined design and comfort for entertaining adults and guests.
The home allows one to effortlessly connect with the surrounding environment. Carefully proportioned fenestration provides a balanced level of natural light and captures expansive views of the lake and pastoral landscape.
The family’s activities expand to the water via a boat dock with an engaged and welcoming lakefront living room. The working dock functions are tucked behind this living space and out of direct sight from the lake and the home beyond.
The home and overall environment encourages family connections and enhances a lifetime of good memories ahead.
CiV : : the Center for Architecture + Design at Beale Street Landing
251 Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103